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Obi Obadike

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Why can’t I lose weight? One of the reasons why you probably aren’t losing weight is because you are eating a lot of bad junk food that has a lot

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Obi Obadike

Can You Drink Water While Fasting?

Can you drink water while fasting? It is recommended to drink water while doing any type of unique intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is when you abstain from eating for certain

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Obi Obadike

How Many Sodas Can Kill You?

How many sodas can kill you? There was a study published in 2019 in the journal circulation that consuming a 12-ounce sweetened beverage raised the risk of death by 7%.

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Why is Creatine So popular?
Obi Obadike

Why is Creatine so popular?

You might be asking yourself why Creatine is so popular, and maybe you don’t know what creatine is to know how it benefits you and your lifestyle? Many people don’t

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What are the best ab exercises?
Obi Obadike

What are the best Ab Exercises?

I get asked almost weekly “Hey Obi – what are the best ab exercises?” And while there are a tonne of exercises you can do to get in shape, there

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