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Health & Wellness

Diet & Nutrition
Obi Obadike

Is Canola Oil Healthy?

Is Canola oil healthy? It is considered one of the healthiest oils due to it being low in saturated fat. It contains twice as much as Omega 6 as Omega

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Diet & Nutrition
Obi Obadike

What Are The Health Benefits Of Paprika?

What are the health benefits of paprika? The nutrient health benefits of Paprika is the following: What are the health benefits of paprika? iStock-photo credit: piotrszczepanekfotart Calories- 19 Protein- less

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Health & Wellness
Obi Obadike

How Many Times Should You Poop A Day?

How many times should you poop a day? There isn’t any general requirement of how many times a person should poop but what is healthy minimally is about 3 times

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Health & Wellness
Obi Obadike

What Is Colon Cleansing?

What is colon cleansing? A colon cleanse is a procedure used to remove waste and toxins from your colon. A colon cleanse and bowl prep are two different procedures. A

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