What To Eat After A Gym Workout To Lose Weight?

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Obi Obadike

Obi Obadike

Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert, CFT, SFN, M.S. Founder & CEO – Ethical Inc.
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What to eat after a gym workout to lose weight? According to a scientific research study 9 grams of protein after a workout helps with aiding recovery after a strenuous workout. And it helps with muscle protein synthesis, muscle growth and fat loss. Eating withing two hours after a workout can help with restoring back your energy levels.

The types of dairy products that are rich in protein are Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir. Not everybody can digest dairy well but if you are the one of those who can then you should try incorporating these types of dairy foods that were just mentioned.

What to eat after a gym workout to lose weight? Photo Credit: iStock- Ridofranz

One cup of low-fat kefir contains 9.2 grams of high-quality protein. There are some research studies back in 2007 that showed that milk-based proteins are more effective than soy-based proteins to build muscle and are great muscle recovery foods.

Consuming carbohydrate rich foods is important after an intense workout when it comes to recovery. Good carbohydrate foods help to replenish glycogen stores after a strenuous workout. There was a 2022 research review study that showed that eating 15 grams of carbs per day in the first 3 hours after exercise will help with recovery.

The study revealed that to maximize potential recovery benefits it recommends combining carbs with a protein source that provides 0.3 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight. Those type of healthy carbs are sweet potatoes, grains, fruits. Healthy high-quality proteins, carbs and fats are important for the body to recovery from a workout.

The best beverage to drink after a workout is water because it is 0 calories, it will fill you up and it is weight loss friendly. When you are working out it is important to drink water before, during and after workout as that helps to prevent dehydration. If you are hydrated it will help you get the most out of your workout.

“When you are working out it is important to drink water before, during and after workout as that helps to prevent dehydration.” Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert Obi Obadike

Some good carbs foods to eat after a workout:

  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Rice cakes
  • Whole wheat bread

Some good protein foods to eat after a workout:

  • Chicken
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese

Some good healthy fats to eat after a workout:

  • Avocado
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Nut Butter

Here are some good weight loss foods you can eat after a workout that can fill you up and replenish your body.

  • Salmon with sweet potato
  • Grilled chicken with rice and roasted vegetables
  • Oatmeal, whey protein, banana, and cashews
  • Greek Yogurt, berries, and granola
  • Tuna and crackers
  • Tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat bread
  • Cereal with dairy or soy milk

The Bottom Line it is important to get a proper amount of carbs and proteins after you exercise for the best recovery purposes. Water is one of the most important beverages to drink before, during and after you work out. A good proper amount of carbs and proteins that are high in nutrients and low in calories is also essential for weight loss.

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