How To Lose 20 pounds In 2 Weeks?

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Obi Obadike

Obi Obadike

Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert, CFT, SFN, M.S. Founder & CEO – Ethical Inc.
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How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks? First, you can’t lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks in a healthy way. The only way you can do that is by starving yourself and that would cause a lot of health issues if you decided to do that. The average weight-loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week and that should always be one of your weight loss goals.

There is no credible nutritionist or dietician that would advocate to lose 10 pounds per week. That only happens in silly reality tv shows like the Biggest Loser. Losing the weight weekly that way is impossible.

How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks? Photo credit: iStock- FotografieLink

So how can you lose 1 to 2 pounds per week and what do you need to do?

  • Drinking water before your meals will make you eat less food. And if you focus on drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day that is a good goal to have. And that will help facilitate weight loss management.
  • Your calories matter and how many calories you consume will always dictate weight loss vs weight gain. Weight loss always happens when you use more calories you take in. And this happens when you reduce your calorie intake or increase your physical activity level. Your diet plan should be a low-calorie diet that puts you in a caloric deficit that elicits weight-loss.
  • Incorporating weight-training in your fitness routine will impact your metabolism tremendously. Lifting weights will help you burn calories after the workout. And that burn is called EPOC- Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption which is the after-burn effect.
  • Introducing fiber in your diet will keep you feeling fuller longer. If you eat fiber regularly it will make you eat less food and decrease your appetite. There was a 20-month study that was among 252 women where they consumed one gram of fiber. And that was associated with 0.5 pounds less body weight and 0.25% less bodyfat. The best types of fiber foods are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. If your appetite is reduced and you feel full it will help to boost weight-loss.
  • There was also another study where fiber intake was about 14 grams of fiber per day. And it was linked to 10% reduction in calorie intake and 4.2 pounds over a 4-month period. And this happened without making any major diet or lifestyle changes.
  • If you set up a consistent sleep schedule with a goal of obtaining 7 hours of sleep per day, it will help with weight loss. If you are deficient in sleep, it will negatively impact your cortisol levels.
  • There was a study that was done on 245 women who got 7 hours of sleep and it increased their weight-loss success by 33%. There was another study following 68,183 women over 16 years. And those women obtained only 5 hours or less of sleep per day. And that study revealed that they gained 2.5 pounds more than the group that slept 7 hours a day of sleep. Those studies are revealing that sleep is important when it comes to weight loss.
  • Adding cardio in your routine is just as important as weight-training. To maximize weight loss, you need to aim for about 30 to 40 minutes per day of cardiovascular exercise to help create that caloric deficit. The types of cardio you can do can be either walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, gardening, boxing, aerobics, etc.

“Your calories matter and how many calories you consume will always dictate weight loss vs weight gain.” Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert Obi Obadike

The Bottom Line is you can lose 20 pounds, but you cannot lose it in a healthy way in 2 weeks. What is realistic is to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks as opposed to 2 weeks.

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