How Much Should I Be Able To Squat?

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Obi Obadike

Obi Obadike

Celebrity Fitness & Nutrition Expert, CFT, SFN, M.S. Founder & CEO – Ethical Inc.
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How much should I be able to squat? Those factors depend on gender, age, bodyweight, the type of squat exercise, level of experience, usage of assisting equipment and tools, etc.

Gender is an important factor because men produce more testosterone than women, so they are going to have more strength. And more strength means they can squat more than a woman.

Squatting is a full body workout it engages just about every single body part when you are squatting any type of weight. There are different types of squats such as a Body weight squat.

How Much Should I Be Able To Squat? Photo credit: twinsterphoto

A Bodyweight Squat is simply you performing a squat with your own bodyweight. Bodyweight squat is a great way to build functional strength. It also allows you practice proper form, range of motion and muscle activation without any weight whatsoever. So, when you do use any type of weight you know how to perform the squat properly.

Another good squatting exercise is the Goblet Squat. This exercise requires you to hold the weight in front of you at shoulder level. This exercise can be performed with a dumbbell or kettlebell. In fact, this exercise you can naturally progress to if you are just doing a bodyweight squat as a beginner.

Another great exercise is a Regular Back Squat which is one of the most popular legs building exercise. And this exercise is when the bar is positioned on your back. The joints that feel this exercise the most is your knees, hips, and ankles because you are using that part of your body to really lift and squat the weight.

A squat variation exercise that can be implemented in your leg routine if you want to change things up are the front squat.  A front squat requires you to hold the barbell at the front when performing the squat.

The advantage of the front squat is it decreases the pressure spinal compression when you do a regular squat. And it reduces the shear force near the front of the knee. This is a good exercise if you have knee issues like a meniscus tear or anterior knee pain.

Another exercise is the Overhead Squat, and it requires the lifter to perform the movement with the bar raised over in the snatched position. This exercise helps to develop the strength in the upper back and rotator cuff. This exercise is probably one of the most technically advanced movements you can do. So, it is not for the beginner or the intermediate lifter.

The average squat is about 284 pounds for men and 161 pounds for women.

As we said earlier how much you can squat depends on gender, age, weight, experience level and type of squats.

A good marker is to measure based on body weight ratio (BW ratio).

For males that marker for beginners is 0.75x, novice, 0.50x, intermediate, 1,25x, advanced, 1.5x and elite, 2.0x.

For women that marker for beginners is 0.50x, novice, 1.25x, intermediate, 1.50x, advanced, 2.25x and elite, 2.75x.

Formula example: Formula= bodyweight *bodyweight ratio = squat weight.

Male =180lbs (BW)* 1.25 ratio= 225lbs- This is what you should be squatting as an intermediate level.

Warming up is the most important thing to do before you start squatting. Because if you don’t warm up properly and get enough blood flow through those muscles then it will put you at high risk for injuries. And it will affect how much you can squat.

So, warming up for at least 1 to 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps super light weight is very important to get the most of any squatting exercise you decide to do.

The Bottom Line is how much you can squat is predicated on your age, experience, genetics, sex, bodyweight, etc. The more experience and the more you use this exercise the stronger you will be. Time and experience will be your best friend in your continued success in performing any type of squat.

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